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  • Krakowskie Przedmieście 58/5c, Lublin, 1st floor
  • +48 509 364 741, +48 506 540 636
  • 81 442 58 50

About us

Law firm Celińska-Banaszek Piskorska-Szczepaniuk

Our law firm was founded in 2009 being the continuation of the earlier cooperation between the individual practices of the partners. Extensive experience of two partners: Anna Celińska-Banaszek and Magdalena Piskorska-Szczepaniuk makes it possible to offer legal services of highest quality.

We provide legal services to businesses and individuals. Important part of our practice is advising foreign clients and public law clients. Our clients come from many different branches of economy, including production, construction, housing, transport (emergency transport, international transport), health care.

We represent in courts, tribunals, administrative bodies, including the High Court, Supreme Administrative Court and National Board of Appeal by the President of the Public Procurement Office. Our mission is to deliver our clients best solutions in the shortest possible time.

We understand how important for a client is transparency in the matter if legal fees. We offer competitive fees for our services and terms of payments clearly pointed out in the contract concluded with the client.

Quality of our services finds its confirmation in the fact that most our clients have been referred to us by recommendation from former and existing clients.

Brama Krakowska, Lublin, Anna Celińska-Banaszek


Anna Celińska-Banaszek

attorney at law

Contact: e-mail
mobile: +48 506 540 636
Skype: anna_cb

Magdalena Piskorska-Szczepaniuk

attorney at law

Contact: e-mail
mobile: +48 509 364 741
Skype: magdapiskorska


Kancelaria Radców Prawnych Celińska-Banaszek Piskorska-Szczepaniuk sp.p. z siedzibą w Lublinie, zarejestrowana w Krajowym Rejestrze Sądowym rejestrze przedsiębiorców prowadzonym przez Sąd Rejonowy Lublin-Wschód w Lublinie z siedzibą w Świdniku VI Wydział Gospodarczy KRS pod nr 0000327969, adres: ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 58/5c, 20-002 Lublin, REGON: 060466996, NIP 712-316-12-82; numer rachunku bankowego: 64 1240 5497 1111 0010 4380 8798,, e-mail:, tel. / fax: 81 442 58 50.